time schedule

Time Schedule of NL Mindful:

You can progress this class in your own pace, as you get written lectures and audio files twice a week on Monday and Friday via email. This is a good structure especially for students new to Mindfulness. It is important to keep up with the schedule especially in the first part of the program to get the best benefit out of it.

If this would be too much of a challenge in your life, we adapt the class for you. We can send you the lessons in a 14 days rhythm. Additionally,  we can make a 2-4 weeks break after week 4. For this break you will get a list with Inspiration and Assignments you can work on.


Monday: Wandering Mind- Mindful Breathing- Meditation Pause
Friday: Principles of Mindfulness- How to Practice- Meditation Ease

Week Description:
We reflect the tendency of the human mind to wander and to lose its attention. Our students get to know Mindful Breathing and the technique of Anchoring to maintain our focus. We study the principles of Mindfulness and we practice our first Meditations EASE and PAUSE. 


Monday: A Mindful Morning- Tea Mind Meditation
Friday: Mindful Responding- Re-Balancing- Mountain Meditation

Week Description:
We explore a Mindful Morning and take the Japanese Culture as inspiration for our Tea Mind Meditation. Our students learn Mindful Responding and explore how to can rebalance faster from stress. We practice the Mountain Meditation to discover our own mountain qualities to face stress. 


Monday: Mindful Movement: Lesson & Audio
Friday: Walking Meditation: Lesson & Audio

Week Description:
We explore Mindfulness in Movement through Mindful Movement and Walking Meditation. We learn to use both in daily life. 


Monday: Thoughts & Stress- Clouds Meditation Audio-Awareness
Friday: Allowing the Rain- Calm & Self Compassion- Meditation Worries

Week Description:
We explore the Willingness to be with what is: Allowing our thoughts, sensations and emotions to be here and we learn Self-Compassion. We practice a Meditation for Dealing with Restlessness & Worries 


Monday: Guesthouse: Lesson & Audio
Friday: Safe Place: Lesson & Audio

Week Description:
We learn to face the difficulties in life and to deal with physical minor pain better. 


Monday: Kindness I
Friday: Kindness II- Kindness Meditation

Week Description:
Mindfulness & Kindness belong together. We explore Kindness for others and ourselves. We practice Kindness Meditation. 


Monday: Mindfulness Bells
Friday: The Practice of Mindfulness: Lesson & Audio

Week Description:
We develop a Mindfulness Bells list and we repeat the basic steps of Mindfulness practice. 


Monday: Weaving your own Parachute
Friday: Congrats- Hokusai Says

Week Description:
We learn how to create our Mindfulness Parachute that protects us when times get tough. 

One Week after the class has finished your Mindfulness Teacher is still responding your questions to get sure everyone gets a smooth transition to working with Mindfulness by themselves. There is the possibility to get in touch weeks later.

Image by NL MAGIC AI generated